The following information will assist you in understanding the payment policy for services rendered by Dr. Elizabeth Moncada. The responsibility for payment rests with you, consistent with your insurance plan. Payment is due at the time of services rendered. Dr. Moncada takes payment by cash, check, Visa, and/or MasterCard.
Insurance Policy
The invoice you receive at every visit will have the appropriate medical diagnosis and billing codes needed in order for you to submit to your medical insurance company. The diagnosis is not dental. Therefore, you will be submitting to your medical insurance which typically covers more of the fees.
At the completion of each appointment with Dr. Moncada, we will provide you with a signed billing invoice that will have all the medical ICD-10 diagnosis and CPT fee codes. You will submit the claim to the medical insurance company with a copy of your medical insurance card (front and back).
We suggest you call your insurance company (or go online) and check your benefits prior to your appointment. Insurance plans vary and may not cover 100% of your medical fees.
Please bring your medical insurance card with you at the time of your initial consultation so that we may keep a copy for your record. Dr. Moncada may need to furnish your medical insurance company with additional information regarding services rendered. Keep in mind that Dr. Moncada is not a provider of any medical insurance companies. Dr. Moncada is NOT A MEDICARE provider. You are financially responsible for all charges whether or not paid by your medical insurance. Submitting to your dental insurance may be an option.
Please direct any questions or concerns regarding billing directly to Dr. Moncada.